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150 Steps to Better Health

Accept diversity

Try to accept diversity by becoming aware of your biases and accepting those around you.

Brought to you by the Health and Wellness Center

Compiled with the help of faculty and staff across AUB and AUBMC


Pass out compliments

Giving people around you a genuine compliment can really brighten their day and yours.

Brought to you by the Health and Wellness Center

Compiled with the help of faculty and staff across AUB and AUBMC


Don’t drink alcohol excessively

We often drink alcohol to change our mood. Some people drink to deal with fear or loneliness, but the effect is only temporary. Stay within the recommended daily alcohol limits: two drinks a day for men and one drink a day for women.

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Don’t drink alcohol excessively

We often drink alcohol to change our mood. Some people drink to deal with fear or loneliness, but the effect is only temporary. Stay within the recommended daily alcohol limits: two drinks a day for men and one drink a day for women.

Brought to you by the Health and Wellness Center

Compiled with the help of faculty and staff across AUB and AUBMC


Stay forever young!

Research in positive psychology has shown that we can optimize our own aging.A good strategy is to stay physically active and to exercise your brain. Don't stop learning new things! 

Brought to you by the Health and Wellness Center

Compiled with the help of faculty and staff across…


Try to listen and try to smile, it's good for you and for those around you

Brought to you by the Health and Wellness Center

Compiled with the help of faculty and staff across AUB and AUBMC


Deal better with hard times

Do not pity yourself- be genuinely interested in others and try to empathize with them - find one small beautiful thing every day and remember “That which does not kill you makes you stronger.”

Brought to you by the Health and Wellness Center

Compiled with the help of…

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Deal better with hard times

Do not pity yourself- be genuinely interested in others and try to empathize with them - find one small beautiful thing every day and remember “That which does not kill you makes you stronger.”

Brought to you by the Health and Wellness Center

Compiled with the help of faculty and staff across AUB and AUBMC


Build social relations and connectedness

Social relations and connectedness have always been known to be beneficial and helpful to people. Social relations prevent depression, stress, anxiety, and unhealthy behaviors such as smoking, alcohol and drug use. Sometimes all the support you need is an outing or a talk with…

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Build social relations and connectedness

Social relations and connectedness have always been known to be beneficial and helpful to people. Social relations prevent depression, stress, anxiety, and unhealthy behaviors such as smoking, alcohol and drug use. Sometimes all the support you need is an outing or a talk with a good friend! 

Brought to you by the Health and Wellness Center

Compiled with the help of faculty and staff across AUB and AUBMC


Stay Positive

Be Thankful! It is old wisdom to say “Count your blessings”, but now science says that it actually works, to make us happier. In the past 15 years, research by Martin Seligman and others, has shown that practicing gratitude every day  – listing all the things you…

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Stay Positive

Be Thankful! It is old wisdom to say “Count your blessings”, but now science says that it actually works, to make us happier. In the past 15 years, research by Martin Seligman and others, has shown that practicing gratitude every day  – listing all the things you are grateful for at a given time in your life – will increase your sense of being happy.

Brought to you by the Health and Wellness Center

Compiled with the help of faculty and staff across AUB and AUBMC


Learn Psychological Flexibility

I bend so I won’t break! Psychological flexibility is the ability to recognize and adapt to various situational demands. Studies have highlighted the importance of helping people suffering from pathology develop psychological flexibility which leads to greater efficacy and fulfillment.

Brought to you by the Health…

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Learn Psychological Flexibility

I bend so I won’t break! Psychological flexibility is the ability to recognize and adapt to various situational demands. Studies have highlighted the importance of helping people suffering from pathology develop psychological flexibility which leads to greater efficacy and fulfillment.

Brought to you by the Health and Wellness Center

Compiled with the help of faculty and staff across AUB and AUBMC


Practice Self-compassion

Self-compassion promotes a healthier and a more balanced psychological life! Self-compassion means being kind and understanding towards oneself instead of critical. Recent studies have shown self-compassion to buffer against anxiety and increase psychological functioning and well-being.

Brought to you by the Health and Wellness Center

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Practice Self-compassion

Self-compassion promotes a healthier and a more balanced psychological life! Self-compassion means being kind and understanding towards oneself instead of critical. Recent studies have shown self-compassion to buffer against anxiety and increase psychological functioning and well-being.

Brought to you by the Health and Wellness Center

Compiled with the help of faculty and staff across AUB and AUBMC
