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150 Steps to Better Health

Practice safe sex

Use latex condoms and a gel that kills sperms to protect yourself and your partner from STDs.

Brought to you by the Health and Wellness Center
Compiled with the help of faculty and staff across AUB and AUBMC


Get your annual check-up

Regular health exams can catch problems early. By getting the right health services, screenings, and treatments, you are taking steps that help your chances for living a longer, healthier life.

Brought to you by the Health and Wellness Center
Compiled with the help of faculty…

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Get your annual check-up

Regular health exams can catch problems early. By getting the right health services, screenings, and treatments, you are taking steps that help your chances for living a longer, healthier life.

Brought to you by the Health and Wellness Center
Compiled with the help of faculty and staff across AUB and AUBMC


Get vaccinated

Adults need vaccines to protect them from diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis and Influenza.

Visit your family doctor to update check which vaccine you need and don’t forget to take the tetanus-diptheria booster every 10 years, the flu shot once per year, and other vaccines recommended by your family doctor.

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Get vaccinated

Adults need vaccines to protect them from diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis and Influenza.

Visit your family doctor to update check which vaccine you need and don’t forget to take the tetanus-diptheria booster every 10 years, the flu shot once per year, and other vaccines recommended by your family doctor.

Brought to you by the Health and Wellness Center
Compiled with the help of faculty and staff across AUB and AUBMC


Limit alcohol

Alcohol can damage your liver and is linked to esophageal, mouth and lung cancer. Limit your intake to no more than 2 glasses a day if you are a man or to 1 glass if you are a woman.

Brought to you by the Health and…

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Limit alcohol

Alcohol can damage your liver and is linked to esophageal, mouth and lung cancer. Limit your intake to no more than 2 glasses a day if you are a man or to 1 glass if you are a woman.

Brought to you by the Health and Wellness Center
Compiled with the help of faculty and staff across AUB and AUBMC


Say no to tobacco

Tobacco use causes around 20% of global cancer deaths and 70% of global lung cancer deaths; it is also linked to heart disease, chronic bronchitis, infertility, bladder and oral cancer. Second hand smoke can be just as deadly.

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Say no to tobacco

Tobacco use causes around 20% of global cancer deaths and 70% of global lung cancer deaths; it is also linked to heart disease, chronic bronchitis, infertility, bladder and oral cancer. Second hand smoke can be just as deadly.

Brought to you by the Health and Wellness Center
Compiled with the help of faculty and staff across AUB and AUBMC
