Navigate through the website that showcases people and pivotal moments marking AUB history from 1866 to 2016
Our 150th anniversary slogan is We Make History; we honor AUB History Makers through the ages
150 First Professors

Samuel P. Glover

Adjunct Professor of Physics and Geology

Year of First Appointment: 1884

First Professors

Robert Haldane West

Instructor in Higher Mathematics and Acting Director of Lee Observatory

Year of First Appointment: 1884


Sheikh Khalil Ul-Yazigi

Instructor in Arabic

Year of First Appointment: 1884

The man after whom West Hall is named, Robert Haldane West taught higher mathematics, moral philosophy and astronomy and filled administrative positions as well.


Khalil Sa'adah

Assistant to Adjunct Professor of Gynecology, Diseases of Skin, Diseases of Children and Legal Medicine

Year of First Appointment: 1884

Khalil Sa'ad authored an Arabic-English medical dictionary and later worked as a phamphleteer in the Lebanese communites of Brazil and Argentina.


Francis Richa

Writing Master in Arabic

Year of First Appointment: 1884


William S. Nelson

Instructor in English

Year of First Appointment: 1884


W. W. Martin

Instructor in English Literature

Year of First Appointment: 1884


 Andrew Macfarlane

Adjunct Professor of Chemistry, Physics and Geology

Year of First Appointment: 1884


Thomas W. Kay

Professor of Materia Medica, Zoology and Botany

Year of First Appointment: 1884


Jurgius Kafruni


Year of First Appointment: 1884
