All Things 150
“All Things 150” List
Yusuf Fuleihan
Teacher in Preparatory Department
Year of First Appointment: 1884
John C. Fisher
Adjunct Professor of Gynecology, Diseases of Skin, Diseases of Children and Legal Medicine
Year of First Appointment: 1884
Charles F. Dight
Adjunct Professor of Anatomy, Histology, Hygiene and Pathology
Year of First Appointment: 1884
Charles Dight promoted the human eugenics movement in the United States. He founded the Dight Institute for the Promotion of Human Genetics which actively pursued the same type of eugenics as Nazi medicine as well as the…
Charles F. Dight
Adjunct Professor of Anatomy, Histology, Hygiene and Pathology
Year of First Appointment: 1884
Charles Dight promoted the human eugenics movement in the United States. He founded the Dight Institute for the Promotion of Human Genetics which actively pursued the same type of eugenics as Nazi medicine as well as the Minnesota Eugenics Society in 1923. In 1933, Dight wrote a letter to Adolf Hitler praising his efforts to "stamp out mental inferiority."
Yuhanna Dakhil
Instructor in French and Arabic
Year of First Appointment: 1884
Frank E. Packard
Instructor in English and Mathematics
Year of First Appointment: 1881
Frederick J. Bliss
Principal of the Preparatory Department
Year of First Appointment: 1881
Aside from eventually becoming SPC's president, Frederick J. Bliss was also an active archealogist working at the Tell el-Hesi site in Palestine.
William Thomson Van Dyck
Lecturer in Materia Medica, Hygiene and Zoology
Year of First Appointment: 1880
William F. Stoutenburgh
Instructor in English
Year of First Appointment: 1880
Yakub Sarruf
Instructor in Arabic and Natural Philosophy
Year of First Appointment: 1880
Faris Nimr
Instructor in Astronomy and Assistant in the Observatory
Year of First Appointment: 1880
Faris Nimr was one of the editors of Fihris Al Muqtataf, one the leading Arabic scientific and cultural monthly of the latter part of the nineteenth and first half of twentieth century.