Navigate through the website that showcases people and pivotal moments marking AUB history from 1866 to 2016
Our 150th anniversary slogan is We Make History; we honor AUB History Makers through the ages
150 First Professors

Pierre Molliex

Instructor in French in the Preparatory and Collegiate Departments

Year of First Appointment: 1888


Frederick S. Hyde

Instructor in the English Language and Literature

Year of First Appointment: 1888


Louis S. Baddur

Instructor in the Preparatory Department

Year of First Appointment: 1888


Francis Sufair

Instructor in Arabic Penmanship

Year of First Appointment: 1887


George L. Robinson

Instructor in the Preparatory Department

Year of First Appointment: 1887


Said A. Shuqair

Instructor in the Preparatory Department

Year of First Appointment: 1887

First Professors

Yusuf Aftimus

Instructor in the Preparatory Department

Year of First Appointment: 1887

Yusuf Aftimus was a Lebanese civil engineer and architect, specializing in…

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Yusuf Aftimus

Instructor in the Preparatory Department

Year of First Appointment: 1887

Yusuf Aftimus was a Lebanese civil engineer and architect, specializing in Moorish Revival architecture. He was the leading Lebanese architect and urban planner during of first half of the twentieth century, designing such well known landmarks as the Beirut Municipality Building, the Grand Serail's Hamidiyyeh clock tower, the Hamidiyyeh Fountain and the Barakat Building.


Achilles S. Markides

Instructor in Preparatory Department

Year of First Appointment: 1886

First Professors

Frank S. Woodruff

Instructor in English

Year of First Appointment: 1885


 H. W. Hulbert

Instructor in English

Year of First Appointment: 1885
