Navigate through the website that showcases people and pivotal moments marking AUB history from 1866 to 2016
Our 150th anniversary slogan is We Make History; we honor AUB History Makers through the ages
150 First Professors

Charles L. Bliss

Lecturer in Anatomy, Diseases of the Skin and Hygiene

Year of First Appointment: 1891

Charles L. Bliss was the first educator to introduce the subject of dermatology to the university's students. 


William S. Schauffler

Lecturer in Anatomy and Diseases of the Skin

Year of First Appointment: 1890

First Professors

Labib Butrus Jureidini

Instructor in the Preparatory Department

Year of First Appointment: 1890

First Professors

Walter Booth Adams

Lecturer in Chemistry

Year of First Appointment: 1890


Dean A. Walker

Senior Clinical Lecturer in Pediatrics

Year of First Appointment: 1889


Ayyub Kimeid

Instructor in French

Year of First Appointment: 1889

First Professors

Harris Graham

Lecturer in Chemistry, Physiology and Hygiene

Year of First Appointment: 1889

First Professors

Dumit Jabr Mikhail 

Instructor in the Arabic Language and Literature

Year of First Appointment: 1889

First Professors

Alfred Ely Day

Instructor in Zoology, Geology, Botany and Physics in the Collegiate and Medical Departments

Year of First Appointment: 1889


Franklin C. Wells 

Lecturer in Zoology and Botany

Year of First Appointment: 1888
