For some, AUB is not just a great place to study and work, but the beginning of a love story. Compiled here are photos and stories of married couples who met at AUB. Did you meet at AUB?
“Mudieddine and I are graduated from totally different faculties, yet fate brought us together 29 years ago. We lived on the AUB campus for 10 memorable years. Our three amazing children all attended AUB. Khaled and Talal who are both graduates, and Judy who is still a junior.” Randa
"Nizar and I met one beautiful fall afternoon in 1968, both coming out of Jafet Library. We smiled at each other and ended up having coffee the next day. We soon realized that we both came from East Africa! We have been happily married for 44 years, have two daughters and three grandchildren and are now settled in Vancouver, Canada." Salma
"Were it not for AUB we would not have met, gotten married and raised three great children. Our gratitude continues with our daily walk on campus, as we live nearby." Mariam and Youssef
"Nayla and I met at AUB where she was taking preparatory courses for her MBA, whilst I was finishing my BBA. I was attending courses in cultural studies with her younger sister Nada who has a BS in chemistry from AUB, when Nayla and I started appreciating and liking one another. The relationship had a beautiful outcome. We’ve been happily married since July 12, 1972." Nabil
"First picture was taken at the annual AUB Engineering Ball in 1971, the other taken in 2014. We met in Jafet Library while I had my Math 201 book open in front of me. A good reason for an engineer to approach a first year statistics student, don't you think so? :)" Velma